Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oct 27 - Reunion with Yang's family and Huashan 1914 Creative Park

Each time we visited Taipei, we always reserve some time to catch up with John and Su-mei.  This time, we had Charles and Sophia Chiang and Alice Brougham joined us to make a reunion with John and Shu-mei.  We met at Howard Grand Hotel to have a wonderful buffet lunch at their lobby restaurant.  
Prior to lunch, we went to pick up Fei’s watch, and were pretty happy with their service. 

After lunch we went to Huashan 1914 Creative Park (華山1914創意文化園區) as another culture experience.  It was also an old beer factory and converted as an exhibition center.  It has more purchasable products than the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park (松山文創園區).  One particular interested product was a non-tip-overable cup.  I thought it will be a great idea as a gift to Jason for his office use.    
Tonight we had dinner with Fei's family at Yundish at Guangfu (云滇光復店). They servers spicy food from Yun-Nan area.  We had quality family time there.

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