Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oct 24 - Visit NTU, Family and Shopping

As a part of planing for this trip, I had to apply for NTU Alumni ID Card.  NTU Alumni office was very considering and sent the ID card with condition of paying the application fee later when I visit NTU.  Therefore, we made special effort to go to NTU Alumni office to pay the application fee.  At the same time we visited NTU and took many photos.
We met Fei’s sisters and Caroline for lunch at a very nice restaurant Chang Ju Cantonese Cuisine (常聚) which was picked by Caroline. Once again we tasted the Cherry Duck along with many delicious dishes such as 三星蔥燒餅 and 蘿蔔絲卷.  After lunch, we did some shopping at i-Roo and Uniqlo.  We were here in last couple trips and were quite familiar with them.  
With the wonderful lunch, neither of us felt hungry at all.  Therefore, we just went to a nearby bakery for some pastries as our supper.  Fresh Taiwan pastries always are our favorite.  

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