Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nov 2 - Lake Toya, Shyowashin-zan, and Mt. Hakodate

In the morning, we went to Lake Toya (洞爺湖) to ride the Usuzan Cable Car (有珠山纜車) to the Mount Usu Ropeway Summit Station and than we had a relaxing hike to top of the Usu Outer Rim observation Platform to see the panorama view of nature Mount Hsu Crater Basin .  After the hike, we went back to the base station and had a nice view of the Mountain Shyowashinzan (昭和新山) which is a volcanic lave dome created between December 28, 1943 and September 1945. Initially, a series of strong earthquakes shook the area, and wheat fields were rapidly uplifted. Lava broke through the surface and the current peak was created. The peak is now 398 m (1,306 ft) tall, and still actively smoking. 
Our original itinerary called for riding The Pleasure Boats of The Lake Toya (洞爺湖觀光遊覽船), however the weather condition caused too much wave in the Lake Toya and the boat company cancelled the ride.  We had our lunch at Harvester Home Kitchen (八雲) with beef patty or chicken with self served drink.  They have nice backyard facing the Lake Toya and it was nice for photo opportunity.
Then we drove to Onuma Seminational Park (大沼國定公園). We had a boat ride to enjoy the fall foliage around the lake, then we went to visit a spot where was the originated spot for a famous Japanese song "The Sound of Wind (千風之歌)".
We checked into Yunokawa Prince Nagisatei where we have a private spa in addition to the public spa.  It is on the balcony facing beach and ocean with nice view of sunset.  We took the opportunity to have a nice spa prior and after our buffet dinner in the hotel. 
After the dinner, we had one more activity to visit the Mt. Hakodate Ropeway.  We took the 3 minutes ride of the ropeway to the top of Mt. Hakodate to enjoy the exotic city night view.  With the overflowing lights, we can see the whole city and its harbors.  
On clear days and nights, in particular, the views from the mountain are spectacular and included among Japan's three best night views alongside the views from Nagaski's Mount Inasa and Kobe's Mount Rokko. 

After the wonderful Mt. Hakodate Ropeway ride, we got back to hotel and enjoy one more time of our own private spa.

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