Sunday, December 4, 2016

Oct 22 - Elephant Mountain Walking Trail and Shifen Waterfall

We found a couple attractions nearby Taipei city namely Elephant Mountain Walking Trail (象山自然步道) and Shifen Waterfall (十份瀑布). Elephant Mountain Walking Trial is near Taipei 101.  It can be reached by taking subway to Elehant Mountain Station and the just walking 15 minutes to the trailhead.  Since it was Saturday, there were a lot of locals hiking the same trails, therefore, we just follow the crowd to reach the trailhead.  

The trail has well paved walkways and steps, and it is pretty easy to hike.  However, it was hot and humid, and both of us were totally sweated after the hike.  The view of the Taipei 101 and the Taipei city from the top was very impressive.  It took us 2 and 1/2 hours to complete the hike along with many photo opportunities.

Then we took the subway and local bus to Shifen to visit the Shifen Waterfall.  It is horseshoe shape fall just like Niagara Fall, but at a much small scale.  It is in a well maintained park and the fall is pretty and surprisedly pleasant.  We grew up in Taipei and we have not learned about this fall until this trip.  It is a definitely one of nicest attraction near Taipei.
Then we went back to city to pick up Tony’s Mark II.  Dinner was at Kao-chi which we visited many times previously.  We had the same usual dishes we order every time we visit there.  After a good meal, we stalked around Yongkang Street before we called the day off.

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